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Social Responsibility
From a Sapling to a Forest
Based on our goal of reaching a forest larger than a sapling, we, as HED Academy, ensure that a sapling is planted into the soil for each training provided by us through our cooperation with the TEMA Foundation.
We would like to thank all of our participants for the responsibility that they assume by participating in safe driving trainings, in terms of protecting the health integrity of all elements in traffic and preventing material and non-material losses caused by traffic accidents.
Traffic Safety for Everyone
The Spinal Cord Paralyctics Association of Turkey-HED Academy
In our country, people lose their lives and get injured every day in traffic accidents . Families lose their beloved ones, the people of our country and the trained workforce in traffic accidents.
We cooperate with the Spinal Cord Paralyctics Association of Turkey in our project because the biggest reason among the three reasons for having a spinal cord injury (traffic accidents, falls from a height and diving into shallow water) is traffic accidents and the lack of use of seat belts in these accidents.
As a social responsibility project, the scope of our cooperation with the Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey is as follows:
Traffic safety seminar (We are organizing this seminar with the participation of a TOFD member who had a spinal cord paralysis as a result of a traffic accident), seat belt rollover simulator and alcohol goggles application are all provided at the own facilities or offices of the companies.
For each of these applications, we would like to donate one electric wheelchair to a person that has spinal cord paralysis that will be determined by TOFD. (The money is transferred to the accounts of TOFD with a description of payment for electric wheelchair as official donation to the Association, and tax rebate is given against receipt).
All applications are made free of charge by HED Academy. (For provinces other than Istanbul and Kocaeli, only transfer and accommodation costs, if any, are paid by the relevant company).
Seminar Summary Content: (It takes approximately 60-75 minutes).
Part One: Drivers and vulnerable road users in traffic will receive the critical information that they need to know about traffic safety. We will hold discussions all together about the mistakes that we know to be correct regarding traffic and driving, the dangers of these mistakes, the harm that these mistakes might cause to us and our family, and of course details about the correct applications.
Official figures and causes of traffic accidents in Turkey
Knowing and applying traffic rules and traffic signs (Am I and My Children Safe in Traffic?)
Why is it necessary to use seat belts on all seats?
What does speed mean in driving, what is the effect of different speeds on accidents?
Vulnerable road users
Pedestrian accidents and their consequences
Distractions while driving (Mobile devices, eating, drinking, make-up, etc.)
Negative effects of fatigue and insomnia on driving
Driving in different weather and road conditions
Part Two: A traffic accident that you are involved might change your entire life.
Semra Çetinkaya , Deputy Chairman of the Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey, will talk about her life that was changed by a traffic accident. "Traffic Accidents" are one of the most important reasons for having a spinal cord injury in our country, and this risk awaits all of us in traffic every day.
Part Three: Seat Belt Rollover Simulator Application: It is set up in the morning at an area that is frequently used by employees or easily accessible, and employees experience it until the end of the working day.
You can also find some reference information below.
According to the 2016 results of a research on the use of seat belts in Turkey as conducted jointly by METU (Middle East Technical University) and the General Directorate of Security:
An observation was held on a total of 599.433 vehicles, of which 355.432 vehicles within cities and 244.001 vehicles outside cities in Turkey, and the rates of using seat belts by drivers and front seat passengers were calculated. In Turkey, 50.1% of drivers and 40.6% of front seat passengers use seat belts. Within cities, these rates are 42.4% and 31%, respectively. It was determined that these rates were 61.5% and 52.2%, respectively, outside cities.
When the traffic accidents that involve fatalities and injuries and that occurred in 2016 were reviewed, it is concluded that 32.722 of total 185.128 traffic accidents that involve fatalities and injuries were caused by hitting a pedestrian.

From a Sapling to a Forest
Based on our goal of reaching a forest larger than a sapling, we, as HED Academy, ensure that a sapling is planted into the soil for each training provided by us through our cooperation with the TEMA Foundation.
We would like to thank all of our participants for the responsibility that they assume by participating in safe driving trainings, in terms of protecting the health integrity of all elements in traffic and preventing material and non-material losses caused by traffic accidents.

Traffic Safety for Everyone
The Spinal Cord Paralyctics Association of Turkey-HED Academy
In our country, people lose their lives and get injured every day in traffic accidents . Families lose their beloved ones, the people of our country and the trained workforce in traffic accidents.
We cooperate with the Spinal Cord Paralyctics Association of Turkey in our project because the biggest reason among the three reasons for having a spinal cord injury (traffic accidents, falls from a height and diving into shallow water) is traffic accidents and the lack of use of seat belts in these accidents.
As a social responsibility project, the scope of our cooperation with the Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey is as follows:
Traffic safety seminar (We are organizing this seminar with the participation of a TOFD member who had a spinal cord paralysis as a result of a traffic accident), seat belt rollover simulator and alcohol goggles application are all provided at the own facilities or offices of the companies.
For each of these applications, we would like to donate one electric wheelchair to a person that has spinal cord paralysis that will be determined by TOFD. (The money is transferred to the accounts of TOFD with a description of payment for electric wheelchair as official donation to the Association, and tax rebate is given against receipt).
All applications are made free of charge by HED Academy. (For provinces other than Istanbul and Kocaeli, only transfer and accommodation costs, if any, are paid by the relevant company).
Seminar Summary Content: (It takes approximately 60-75 minutes).

Official figures and causes of traffic accidents in Turkey
Knowing and applying traffic rules and traffic signs (Am I and My Children Safe in Traffic?)
Why is it necessary to use seat belts on all seats?
What does speed mean in driving, what is the effect of different speeds on accidents?
Vulnerable road users
Pedestrian accidents and their consequences
Distractions while driving (Mobile devices, eating, drinking, make-up, etc.)
Negative effects of fatigue and insomnia on driving
Driving in different weather and road conditions

Semra Çetinkaya , Deputy Chairman of the Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey, will talk about her life that was changed by a traffic accident. "Traffic Accidents" are one of the most important reasons for having a spinal cord injury in our country, and this risk awaits all of us in traffic every day.

You can also find some reference information below.
According to the 2016 results of a research on the use of seat belts in Turkey as conducted jointly by METU (Middle East Technical University) and the General Directorate of Security:
An observation was held on a total of 599.433 vehicles, of which 355.432 vehicles within cities and 244.001 vehicles outside cities in Turkey, and the rates of using seat belts by drivers and front seat passengers were calculated. In Turkey, 50.1% of drivers and 40.6% of front seat passengers use seat belts. Within cities, these rates are 42.4% and 31%, respectively. It was determined that these rates were 61.5% and 52.2%, respectively, outside cities.
When the traffic accidents that involve fatalities and injuries and that occurred in 2016 were reviewed, it is concluded that 32.722 of total 185.128 traffic accidents that involve fatalities and injuries were caused by hitting a pedestrian.